Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Weekend ~ Kelmarsh

Had a hectic weekend with Simon decorating the dining room however managed to have a couple of lovely afternoons of relaxation. On Good Friday we visited a friend in her beautiful new home in Melchbourne. It was a truely wonderful afternoon and the weather could not of been better when walking round the grounds. It was just amazing.
Easter Sunday we visited Kelmarsh, the first weekend of the season that it has been open and as per usual it was just great. Plants a long way to come on before the wonderful colours show through however the Tulips were stunning. Great afternoon tea with Carol & Mike so thanks to them. Picture of Simon and me in the White Parterre garden.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Move Has Happened

Well after a rather long and hard week we have eventually moved into our new home, named The Old House. I could not believe how much we had to move and yes we still have a bit more to bring. Well the house is amazing, beautiful and feels like home however it does need a lot of work but Rome was not built in a day or so it is said. We have settled in well and the dogs are getting used to it. They do love resting on the sofa looking out ionto the market Sq. surveying all that passes. Want to get on with some work in the garden soon however it will not be big changes for some time as the house is our main proirity at present. As long as it is looking good for the hopefully hot summer we will all b e fine.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Saw This & Thought Of Sarah & Carrie !!

Ok Sarah & Carrie, I saw this and thought why oh why did that man not but an Aga ? Who would of been sales purson of the day on that day !!???

Monday 7 February 2011

See Who's Done All The Work

Packing packing and more packing. That is what HRH Flossie and I have been doing, as you can see it has tired us out !!

The Big Move Begins With Dennis Relaxing

So the move of the house and garden is getting closer. To try and make things easier as we do tend to have quite a lot of stuff to move my brother-in-law is coming over this weekend to load up the van & trailer with as much stuff as possible. It is a shame as the pots are just beginnning to show signs of growth. Hopefully Mum & Dad will have these in their garden untill we can get them positioned in the new home. Thinking about it today I suddenly thought Why oh Why do I collect so much ? I think it is an obsession and almost a fear of throwing anything away just in case I might need it one day. Well everything is going to move with us and then I will decide if I need or even want it. Fingers crossed nothing get broken. This is stage one of many I pressume in the move. Any willing friends on the day are more than welcome to help out. Payment will be a hearty stew in the near future.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Tools For The Job

It is getting to that time of year when I love visiting all the tips or, now known as recycling centres in the area. This is a great place to find beautiful old fashioned gardening tools. it really is amazing how someone will throw away a beautiful old crafted tool and then go and but a new brightly coloured with no quality at all. Ebay is also a good place to look however the price does shoot up and the excitment of finding and rehoming is not quite so good.

Friday 28 January 2011

Hard Landscaping

The hard landscaping is on its way and is looking good. Progress going very well and hoping the weather will hold off so the proceedings do not get held up. Looking forward to the arrival of the gothic fountain and urns and of course the planting up of the area. A picture attached of the work so far.